For Comments, Questions, Inquiries about Workshops and to Schedule Appointments please call or email Joy.
All Sessions are by Appointment Only.
For Comments, Questions, Inquiries about Workshops and to Schedule Appointments please call or email Joy.
All Sessions are by Appointment Only.

Soul Light Connection Services

To Schedule an Appointment with Joy go to Contact Page.
All Sessions are by Appointment Only. Phone , Skype and Facetime sessions available.
Spiritual Work
Reiki Healing ~ $130.00 per hour
Joy has studied the way of the Shaman for over 25 years and is a Shamanic Healer/Teacher, Psychic/Medium, Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, and Spiritual Counselor. She teaches both Shamanic Reiki and Usui Reiki, all levels. Her powerful gift as a Shamanic Healer, Psychic/Medium and Spiritual Counselor gives her the ability to tap into the world of the unseen and Channel Divine guidance and the healing energy of the Source. Joy's true strengths are shown through her Dedication and Passion with teaching others to reach their goals toward internal peace and self love, while giving them a greater understanding of their spiritual self.​
Shamanic Healing ~ $140.00 per hour
Everyone has a unique and personal "Soul's Journey." A Shaman can help you to connect with your authentic self/soul by working closely with your spirit guides, animal totems, ascended masters, and the elements. A Shaman can guide you on a meditative journey to help facilitate healing of the past and/or the present. Deeper understandings and different perspectives of energy and your spiritual self will help facilitate a healing along with bring you into deeper self-reflection. Through this healing process a greater sense of connection to all of life becomes realized and you begin to bring greater balance to all aspects of your self and life.
CranioSacral Sessions are offered only for an hour and a half sessions for $130.00
Joy is a Level II CranioSacral Therapist and is happy to work with you to help facilitate your healing. This modality works on all levels of healing, the physical, mental, and spiritual and is widely accepted and well known for its ability to help align your cranium and spine. ​​​
Reading Options Available​
Psychic/Medium Sessions ~ $140.00 per hour
A psychic medium is a person with highly developed psychic and intuitive abilities. They are able to perceive information, states and situations that most people, using the five senses, cannot. Psychic mediums connect with the unseen world of energy that exits both around us and in and out of the unseen world of matter. Dedicated mediums devote their lives to helping others who become lost and unhappy with their lives. They can often talk, hear, and see spirits that have passed over to the other side. Psychic mediums channel Spirit Guides that have an important messages to give from the spirit world. There are a variety of methods in which they can channel the energy. Some communicate using clairvoyance, which involves sight or seeing things, clairaudience, which is hearing, and clairsentience, which involves the psychic perception of the senses such as touch, taste, smell and emotions. Some can channel spirit directly by going into a trance state.
*Please read Clear Intent at the bottom of this page.​
Spiritual Counseling Sessions ~ $140.00 per hour
It is Joy’s intention to use her "Gifts of the Spirit" to help others along their journey in life. She believes that sometimes a kind word spoken with love or phrase from someone that has passed over is enough to bring about healing and or closure to their passing and a sense of peace to the living. She has a strong background in teaching spirituality, which she pulls from her many years of studying the way of the Shaman. She utilizes her strong intuitive gifts as a Psychic/Medium during her spiritual counseling sessions helping others to find peace and reconciliation with their own Journey. ​
Teaching Reiki all levels along with Shamanic Reiki Master program
Joy Is a Reiki Master Teacher and will teach you how to become a Reiki healer at all levels. Level I is about learning how to become a healer for others along with a strong focus with healing yourself. Healing yourself will allow you to become more of a clear channel for healing energy. Level II is about learning how to help heal others and bringing a higher level of energy through your heart and energy field. Using a more developed process and intention as to why you choose to become a healer. Level III, Reiki Master is about mastering energy for your own healing, distant healing and healing others. This level can bring you into a deeper level of understanding that energy follows intent and comes with a great responsibility while creating healing in your own life along with those you work with. I also offer a special type of Reiki Master program, called, Shamanic Reiki Master. Please inquire about the details if you are interested in this special program.
​Contact Joy for prices and available times Phone #860-917-0825
Clear Intent
It is important to understand that a "Mediumship Reading" does not guarantee that a particular loved one will come through. The dead cannot come through when we will them to do so, but only when they wish to communicate with us. It is also very important to remember that mediums are not God nor do they pretend to be. A good psychic medium will let you know their intentions and how they communicate with the other side before they begin the reading. Joy will set up the space with a clear intention of love, peace, and a very high vibration so as to allow you to feel as safe and comfortable as possible while allowing space for your loved one to come through.
​​​​ Payment Options
Cash, Check, Venmo accepted.
Sliding scale available - Contact Joy for details 860-917-0825.
To pay with Venmo please send to @joy-gaffney